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Sunday, May 27, 2012

How time gets away

It has been way too long since I've written or blogged or to be honest did much of anything but feel sorry for myself.  Which I now realize how unproductive that is.  So turning over a new leaf this weekend, or more like planting new flowers.  There has been a lot going on since my last post, but it's really nothing I want to think about or bore you with right now.  We can discuss my new found knowledge of bees later.  Today we celebrate the front walkway.

Here is a before picture:
After two attacks on the ferns, one in the fall and another this spring, I bring you the beginning of the after:


I'm not really sure what that large plant in front of the gnome is, but it's there and I figured I would let it grow and find out what it is before I pull it out.

Next up is a new kitchen faucet and painted bedroom.  Before the summer is over we are hoping to build a new deck, you will understand my bee issue when we get to that.  Hope to have a new update soon, very soon!