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Friday, October 14, 2011

The Beat Goes On

As the weekend arrived, we got on our game faces and prepared to return to the condo.  After a stop at Tim Horton's, Lowe's and Best Buy were ready to take on the day.

I have to admit, the condo itself gives me the heebie jeebies, I always expect something bad when I walk in.  Maybe I should take the advice a client gave me and have an exorcism for the place.  Or I could just hope that a coat of primer and cleaning it will help.  However, if you have any advice on getting bad energy out of a place I'm open to ideas, just no burning things that will smell up the place.

Luckily the door opened and nothing was out of place, anymore than it already was.  We each took our positions and got to work.  Sean worked on the garage door opener and I tackled the kitchen.  I had already discovered that when you removed the contact paper, all that was left was particle board.  That's fine, I was going to recover them anyway and down the road we are replacing.  Next up the dishwasher.  I wanted to let it clean itself, so I bought this cleaner from jet dry that you just place in the dishwasher, turn on the hottest setting and let it go.  Super easy and it needed it, I don't know if you can tell by my "before" picture.

Loaded and locked it set off on it's cleaning journey.  

Now I have to mention that the previous resident of this condo was a nail happy woman.  I decided not to keep count as I removed them, but I was tempted to see if a record had been set for most unusual nail placement.  I walked around from room to room with my nail removing tool, working my heart out.  At some point I set it down somewhere before starting the dishwasher.  Now I couldn't figure out where I put this essential tool.  I looked in the garage, room to room and then down in the basement.  

I need to preface this with a side note.  We currently live in a townhouse with open trusses, all heating/cooling and pipes exposed.  I've gotten desensitized to the sound of running water.  

So, when I walked down to the steps to look for my tool, it took a minute or two before my brain registered that sound of pouring water wasn't a good sound.  I picked up my pace, peaked around the corner to find a not so calming water feature pouring into the basement.  As I ran upstairs to turn off the dishwasher, I yelled for Sean.  Dishwasher off, Sean found and the tears began.  

When we looked for the leak, it seemed small at first and then with a little light a sad reality hit.  I guess a refrigerator was not the next appliance I was going to get to pick out.  After a little investigation it looked like this was far from the first time this had happened.  Thank you so much (explicative) ex wife for letting us know that you never fixed anything in this place.  This situation at least gave me greater understanding of why Sean had to have a shop vac before we moved in.  Which by the way I have named R2-D2 and I love my little helper.

I did try to shake down the guys delivering the washer and dryer for a dishwasher when they arrived, but they didn't have any extra on the truck, shucks.  Research has begun on dishwashers and I'm taking votes on best brand and best feature to make sure I get, feel free to post a comment if you have any input. 


Never a dull moment at Casa Sucky.  This is short and sweet, although I would like to note and thank Sean for installing the new deadbolt.  I know he was nervous, but it looks great and it works.

As we got started Sunday, Sean stood on the other side of the pass through in the kitchen working on something while I continued in the kitchen.  At some point I went to turn on the faucet, while not really watching what I was doing.  Next thing I knew there was a geyser in the kitchen, water shooting straight up from where the hand sprayer used to be.  I quickly turned off the water and looked around as Sean stifled a laugh.  The sprayer was half way across the kitchen, there was water on me, the ceiling, the floor, my phone, well you get the point, everywhere.  I unknowingly did an impression of Lucile Ball starting to cry and Sean tried to stop laughing until my cry turned into a cry/laugh "I hate this place" moment.  

I did finish the contact paper project and wondered why I ever thought contact paper was "fun."  Sean patched every last nail hole in the place and we called it a night.  

The condo has been on hold for the last week while Sean traveled for work and I packed up the apartment. We head back tomorrow.  I can't wait to see the state of the banana we left behind, gross.

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